Our Board of Directors consists of men and women from different backgrounds and of vast knowledge in financial expertise.

Management team

Dr. Carlson Hamann

c.e.o and founder

Dr. Hamann is a graduate of Havard University and a lawyer. Originally from Israel, Hamann is an entrepreneur with over 30 years’ experience in financial markets.

Michelle Logan

projects manager

Michelle boasts of two masters’ degrees in Economics and Law. An active alumnus of Oxford University, she has been with Golden Coin Finance since it was founded.

Catherine Broke

lending and recovery

A former self employed entrepreneur, Catherine Broke hails from Dallas Texas, where her family engages in Petroleum engineering. She has served in numerous capacities, including British Petroleum. She is a graduate of Havard University (Law).

Steven Mwangi

chief accountant

Kenyan-born Mwangi is a graduate of Nairobi University with a Masters’ degree in Business Administration. He has served in various capacities including Royal Media Group (K). He has over 18 years’ experience in Administrative Accounting.